/** AA Javascripts library usable on the public pages, just like: * * * (replace "http://actionapps.org/apc-aa" with your server and aa path * * @package UserOutput * @version $Id: aajslib-jquery.php,v 1.4 2006/11/26 21:06:41 honzam Exp $ * @author Honza Malik * @copyright Econnect, Honza Malik, December 2006 */ /* Copyright (C) 2002 Association for Progressive Communications http://www.apc.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (LICENSE); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ if (typeof window.AA_GetConf === 'undefined') { window.AA_GetConf = function(prop) { if (typeof AA_GetConf.aa_install_path == 'undefined') { var src = document.querySelector('script[src*="javascript/aajslib"]').getAttribute('src'); AA_GetConf.aa_install_path = src.replace(/javascript\/aajslib.*$/, ''); } switch (prop) { case 'path': return AA_GetConf.aa_install_path; case 'loader': return ''; } } } // for backward compatibility - so you can use AA_Config.loader var AA_Config = { get AA_INSTAL_PATH() {return AA_GetConf('path');}, get loader() {return AA_GetConf('loader');} } // switch current item in gallery function AA_GalleryGoto(photo_div, viewid, sitemid, galeryid, thumb_id) { $('div.switcher .active').removeClass('active'); if ($(jqid(thumb_id))) { $(jqid(thumb_id)).addClass('active'); // $(jqid(thumb_id)).parentNode.scrollTop = $(jqid(thumb_id)).offsetTop - $(jqid(thumb_id)).parentNode.offsetTop - 50; } $(jqid(photo_div)).load(AA_GetConf('path') + 'view.php3?vid=' + viewid + '&cmd[' + viewid + ']=x-' + viewid + '-' + sitemid + '&convertto=utf-8&als[GALERYID]=' + galeryid); } // now AA specific functions function AA_HtmlToggle(link_id, link_text_1, div_id_1, link_text_2, div_id_2) { if ( $(jqid(div_id_1)).is(':visible') ) { $(jqid(div_id_1)).hide('fast'); $(jqid(div_id_2)).show('fast'); $(jqid(link_id)).html(link_text_2); $(jqid(link_id)).addClass("is-on"); } else { $(jqid(div_id_2)).hide('fast'); $(jqid(div_id_1)).show('fast'); $(jqid(link_id)).html(link_text_1); $(jqid(link_id)).removeClass("is-on"); } } function AA_HtmlToggleCss(link_id, link_text_1, link_text_2, selector) { var link = jqid(link_id); if ( $(link).hasClass('is-on')) { $(selector).hide('fast'); $(link).html(link_text_1); $(link).toggleClass('is-on'); } else { $(selector).show('fast'); $(link).toggleClass('is-on'); $(link).html(link_text_2); } } function AA_Ajax(div_id, url, param, onload) { AA_AjaxCss(jqid(div_id), url, param, onload); } function AA_AjaxCss(selector, url, param, onload) { $(selector).hide('fast'); $(selector).html(AA_GetConf('loader')); $(selector).show('fast'); $(selector).load(url, param, onload); } function AA_InsertHtml(into_id, code) { $(jqid(into_id)).append(code); } /** selector_update is optional and is good for updating table rows, where we want to show/hide tr, but update td */ function AA_HtmlAjaxToggleCss(link_id, link_text_1, link_text_2, selector_hide, url, selector_update) { var link = jqid(link_id); if ( $(link).hasClass('is-on')) { $(selector_hide).hide('fast'); $(link).html(link_text_1); $(link).toggleClass('is-on'); } else { $(selector_hide).show('fast'); $(link).toggleClass('is-on'); // not loaded from remote url, yet? if ( !$(link).hasClass('aa-loaded')) { $(link).addClass('aa-loaded'); AA_AjaxCss(selector_update ? selector_update : selector_hide, url); } $(link).html(link_text_2); } } function AA_HtmlAjaxToggle(link_id, link_text_1, div_id_1, link_text_2, div_id_2, url) { if ( $(jqid(div_id_1)).is(':visible') ) { $(jqid(div_id_1)).hide('fast'); $(jqid(div_id_2)).show('fast'); // not loaded from remote url, yet? if ( $(jqid(div_id_2)).attr('data-aa-loaded') != '1') { $(jqid(div_id_2)).attr('data-aa-loaded', '1'); AA_Ajax(div_id_2, url); } $(jqid(link_id)).html(link_text_2); } else { $(jqid(div_id_2)).hide('fast'); $(jqid(div_id_1)).show('fast'); $(jqid(link_id)).html(link_text_1); } } /** calls AA responder with permissions of current user and displays returned * html code into div_id * Usage: * FrmSelectEasy('from_slice', $slice_array, $from_slice, 'onchange="DisplayAaResponse(\'fieldselection\', \'Get_Fields\', {slice_id:this.value})"'); * echo '
'; **/ function DisplayAaResponse(div_id, method, params) { AA_AjaxCss(jqid(div_id), AA_GetConf('path') + 'central/responder.php?command='+ method, params); } function AA_Response(method, resp_params, ok_func, err_func) { $.post(AA_GetConf('path') + 'central/responder.php?command='+ method, resp_params, function(data) { if ( data.substring(0,5) == 'Error' ) { if (typeof err_func != "undefined") { err_func(data); } } else { if (typeof ok_func != "undefined") { ok_func(data); } } }); } function AA_Refresh(id,inside,ok_func) { AA_Ajax(id, $(jqid(id)).attr('data-aa-url')); } /** Send the form by AJAX and on success displays the ok_html text * @param id - form id * @param refresh - id of the html element, which you want to refresh. * - Such element must have data-aa-url attributes * @param ok_html - function to call after the page update * Note, that the form action atribute must be RELATIVE (not with 'http://...') */ function AA_SendForm(id, refresh, ok_func) { var form_id = jqid(id); // browser supports HTML5 validation if (typeof $(form_id)[0].checkValidity == 'function') { if (!$(form_id)[0].checkValidity()) { // $(form_id)[0].submit(); // AA_StateChange(base_id, 'invalid'); return; } } var url = $(form_id).attr('action'); $(form_id).append(AA_GetConf('loader')); var code = $(form_id + ' *').serialize(); $.post( url, code).always( function() { if (typeof refresh != "undefined") { AA_Refresh(refresh,false,ok_func); } }) } /** Sends the form and replaces the form with the response * Polls ussage - @see: http://actionapps.org/en/Polls_Module#AJAX_Polls_Design */ function AA_AjaxSendForm(form_id, url) { var filler_url = url || 'modules/polls/poll.php3'; // by default it is used for Polls if (filler_url.charAt(0)!='/') { filler_url = AA_GetConf('path') + filler_url; // AA link } var valdiv = jqid(form_id); var code = $(valdiv + ' *').serialize(); $(valdiv).append(AA_GetConf('loader')); $.post(filler_url, code, function(data) { $(valdiv).attr("data-aa-edited", "0"); var res = data; if (typeof data === 'object') { // $.post is parsed if JSON is returned for (var i in data) { res = data[i]; break; } } $(valdiv).html(res); }); } function displayInput(valdivid, item_id, fid) { var valdiv = jqid(valdivid); // already editing ? switch ($(valdiv).attr('data-aa-edited')) { case '1': return; case '2': $(valdiv).attr("data-aa-edited", "0"); // the state 2 is needed for Firefox 3.0 - Storno not works return; } $(valdiv).attr("data-aa-oldval", $(valdiv).html()); var width = $(valdivid).width(); $(valdiv).html(AA_GetConf('loader')); AA_Response('Get_Widget', { field_id: fid, item_id: item_id }, function(data) { var valdiv = jqid(valdivid); $(valdiv).attr('data-aa-edited', '1'); if (width>200) { data = data.replace('class="ajax_widget aa-ajax-open"', 'class="ajax_widget aa-ajax-open" style="width:'+width+'px;"'); } $(valdiv).html(data); var aa_input = $(valdiv).find('select,textarea,input').first(); $(aa_input).focus(); // select the input field () if ((aa_input).is("textarea")) { // do not react on enter in textarea $(aa_input).keydown( function(event) { switch (event.which) { case 27: $(valdiv).find('input.cancel-button').click(); break; // Esc } }); } else { $(aa_input).keydown( function(event) { switch (event.which) { case 13: $(valdiv).find('input.save-button').click(); break; // Enter case 27: $(valdiv).find('input.cancel-button').click(); break; // Esc case 9: // Tab // we must grab the next input right now - after save-button click we have no current div var next_input = $('div.ajax_container').eq($('div.ajax_container').index($(this).parents('div.ajax_container'))+1); $(valdiv).find('input.save-button').click(); $(next_input).click(); break; } }); } } ); } /** return back old value - CANCEL pressed on AJAX widget */ function DisplayInputBack(input_id) { var valdiv = jqid('ajaxv_'+input_id); $(valdiv).html( $(valdiv).attr('data-aa-oldval') ); $(valdiv).attr('data-aa-edited', '2'); } function jqescape(s) { // escape all special characters (like []) return s.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_-])/g, '\\$1') } function jqid(s) { // escape all special characters (like []) return '#' + jqescape(s); } /** This function replaces the older one - proposeChange * The main chane is, that now we use standard AA input names: * aa[i][][] */ function AA_SendWidgetAjax(base_id) { var valdiv = jqid('ajaxv_'+base_id); var inputs = $(valdiv + ' :input'); if (typeof inputs[0].checkValidity == 'function') { for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (!inputs[i].checkValidity()) { AA_StateChange(base_id, 'invalid'); return; } } } var code = $(valdiv + ' *').serialize(); AA_StateChange(base_id, 'updating'); //$(valdiv).append(AA_GetConf('loader')); var alias_name = $(valdiv).attr('data-aa-alias'); code += '&inline=1&ret_code_enc='+alias_name; $.post(AA_GetConf('path') + 'filler.php3', code, function(data) { AA_ReloadAjaxResponse(base_id, data); }); } /** Closes the ajax for after file upload * The main change is, that now we use standard AA input names: * aa[i][][] */ function AA_ReloadAjaxResponse(id, responseText) { var valdiv = jqid('ajaxv_'+id); var items = (typeof responseText === 'string') ? jQuery.parseJSON(responseText) : responseText; var res; for (var i in items) { res = items[i]; $(valdiv).html(res.length>0 ? res : '--'); break; } $(valdiv).attr("data-aa-edited", "0"); var succes_function = $(valdiv).attr('data-aa-onsuccess'); if (succes_function) { eval(succes_function); } } /** This function replaces the older one - proposeChange * The main chane is, that now we use standard AA input names: * aa[i][][] */ function AA_SendWidgetLive(base_id, liveinput, fnc) { AA_StateChange(base_id, 'updating'); var valdivid = jqid('widget-' + base_id); // browser supports HTML5 validation if (typeof liveinput.checkValidity == 'function') { if (!liveinput.checkValidity()) { AA_StateChange(base_id, 'invalid'); return; } } var code = $(valdivid + ' *').serialize(); code += '&inline=1'; // do not send us whole page as result $.post(AA_GetConf('path') + 'filler.php3', code, function(data) { AA_StateChange(base_id, 'normal'); if (typeof fnc == 'function') { fnc(); } }); } /** rotates the element - hide/show .rot-hide, add/remove class "active" for .rot-active * called as: *
* A * B * C *
* */ function AA_Rotator(id, interval, max, speed, effect) { if (max<2) { return; } // Check to see if the rotators-set has been initialized if ( typeof AA_Rotator.rotators == 'undefined' ) { AA_Rotator.rotators = {}; } if ( typeof AA_Rotator.rotators[id] == 'undefined' ) { AA_Rotator.rotators[id] = {"index": 0, "max": max, "speed": speed, "effect":effect }; AA_Rotator.rotators[id].timer = setInterval(function () {AA_Rotator(id)},interval); $(jqid(id)).hover(function(ev) { clearInterval(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].timer); }, function(ev){ AA_Rotator.rotators[id].timer = setInterval(function () {AA_Rotator(id)},interval); }); } if (AA_Rotator.rotators[id].effect == 'fade') { $(jqid(id)+ ' .rot-hide').stop( true, true ).fadeOut(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].speed); $(jqid(id)+ ' .rot-hide:nth-child('+(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].index+1)+')').fadeIn(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].speed); } else { $(jqid(id)+ ' .rot-hide').stop( true, true ).hide(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].speed); $(jqid(id)+ ' .rot-hide:nth-child('+(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].index+1)+')').show(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].speed); } $(jqid(id)+ ' .rot-active').removeClass('active'); $(jqid(id)+ ' .rot-active:nth-child('+(AA_Rotator.rotators[id].index+1)+')').addClass('active'); AA_Rotator.rotators[id].index = (AA_Rotator.rotators[id].index+1)% AA_Rotator.rotators[id].max; } /** used by {livesearch:...} * internal - could be changed */ function AA__liveSearch(id, viewparam, deflt) { val = $(jqid(id)+ ' input.itemsearch')[0].value; if (!val.length && deflt.length) { val=deflt; } fnc = function(t,v,q) { AA_AjaxCss(t, AA_GetConf('path') + 'view.php3?vid=' + viewparam.replace('AA_LS_QUERY', q));} if (AA__liveSearch.timer) { if (AA__liveSearch.searchval != val) { clearTimeout(AA__liveSearch.timer); AA__liveSearch.searchval = val; AA__liveSearch.timer = setTimeout(fnc,200, $(jqid(id)+ ' .itemgroup')[0], viewparam, val); } } else { AA__liveSearch.timer = setTimeout(fnc,200, $(jqid(id)+ ' .itemgroup')[0], viewparam, val); AA__liveSearch.searchval = val; } } /* text - string or url (begins with '/') * type - err | ok | info | [text] */ function AA_Message(text, type) { var attrs = {'id': 'aa-message-box', 'onclick': '$(this).hide()'}; switch(type) { case 'err': attrs['class'] = 'aa-err'; break; case 'ok': attrs['class'] = 'aa-ok'; break; case 'info': attrs['class'] = 'aa-info'; break; default: attrs['class'] = 'aa-text'; type = 'text'; } if (text.charAt(0)=='/') { AA__systemDiv('aa-message-box', attrs, '
'); AA_Ajax('aa-message-box-in', text); } else { AA__systemDiv('aa-message-box', attrs, text.length ? '
' : ''); } if (type != 'text') { setTimeout(function() { $('aa-message-box').hide(); }, 5000); } } function AA__systemDiv(id, attrs, text) { var box = $(jqid(id)); if (!box.length) { $('
',attrs).appendTo('body'); box = $(jqid(id)); } box.html(text); if (!text) { box.hide(); } else { if (!$('#aa-bottom-toolbar').length) { AA_Toolbar(''); // we need toolbar defined, we need it to test styles if (AA_GetStyle('aa-bottom-toolbar', 'position')!='fixed') { AA_LoadCss(AA_GetConf('path') + 'css/aa-system.css'); } } box.show(); } } function AA_Toolbar(text) { AA__systemDiv('aa-bottom-toolbar', {'id': 'aa-bottom-toolbar'}, text); } /** indicator of changed / updating data */ function AA_StateChange(id, state) { var outstyle = {}; var icoimg = ''; switch (state) { case 'dirty': outstyle = {'outline-color': '#E4B600', 'outline-width': '1px', 'outline-style': 'solid'}; icoimg = 'images/save.png'; break; case 'updating': outstyle = {'outline-color': '#E4B600', 'outline-width': '1px', 'outline-style': 'dashed'}; icoimg = 'images/loader.gif'; break; case 'invalid': outstyle = {'outline': 'none'}; icoimg = 'images/warn.png'; break; case 'normal': default: outstyle = {'outline': 'none'}; icoimg = 'images/px.gif'; break; } $('*[id ^="'+id+'"]').removeClass('updating normal dirty invalid').addClass(state); $('select[id ^="'+id+'"]').css(outstyle); $('input[id ^="'+id+'"]').css(outstyle); $('textarea[id ^="'+id+'"]').css(outstyle); $('img.'+id+'ico').attr('src', AA_GetConf('path')+icoimg); } function AA_LoadJs(condition, callback, url) { if (condition) { if (callback) { callback(); } } else { var script = document.createElement("script") script.type = "text/javascript"; if (callback) { if (script.readyState) { //IE script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { //Others script.onload = function () { callback(); }; } } script.src = url; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } } function AA_LoadCss(url) { var link = document.createElement('link'); link.type = 'text/css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = url; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link); return link; } /* function to check the computed value of a style element */ function AA_GetStyle(id, name) { var element = document.getElementById(id); return element.currentStyle ? element.currentStyle[name] : window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(name) : null; } function AA_SaveEditors() { var params = {'inline':1}; for(var i in CKEDITOR.instances) { // for each if (CKEDITOR.instances[i].checkDirty()) { params['aa[u'+$(jqid(i)).attr('data-aa-id')+']['+$(jqid(i)).attr('data-aa-field')+']['+$(jqid(i)).attr('data-aa-index')+']'] = CKEDITOR.instances[i].getData(); params['aa[u'+$(jqid(i)).attr('data-aa-id')+']['+$(jqid(i)).attr('data-aa-field')+'][flag]'] = 1; } } $.post(AA_GetConf('path') + 'filler.php3', params, function(data) { AA_Toolbar(''); AA_Message((Object.keys(data).length == 1) ? 'Zmeny ulozeny' : ('Ulozeno ' + Object.keys(data).length +' zmen')); }, 'json'); } function AA_SiteUpdate(item, field, value) { var params = {}; params['aa[u'+item+']['+field+'][0]'] = value; AA__doChange(params); } /* template not implemented, field and values pairs could be multiple field, value, field, value, ... */ function AA_SiteNewitem(slice, template, field, value) { var params = {}; for (var i = 2, len = arguments.length; i < len; i+=2) { if (len > i+1) { params['aa[n1_'+slice+']['+arguments[i]+'][0]'] = arguments[i+1]; } } AA__doChange(params); } function AA_SiteEdit(item) { AA__doChange({'aaedit':item}, 'get'); } function AA_SiteSendForm(form) { AA__doChange(new FormData(form)); return false; } function AA__SiteUpdateParts(data) { var ckeditors = []; var matches = []; var re = /contenteditable=true id="([^"]*)"/g; for (var i in data) { if (i == 'message') { AA_Message(data[i]); } else { $("[data-aa-part='"+i+"'").replaceWith(data[i]); if (data[i].indexOf("contenteditable=true")) { while (matches = re.exec(data[i])) { if (matches[1]) { ckeditors.push(matches[1]); } } } } } if (ckeditors.length && (typeof CKEDITOR !== "undefined")) { for(var i in ckeditors) { var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[ckeditors[i]]; if (editor) { editor.destroy(true); } CKEDITOR.inline(ckeditors[i]); } } } function AA__doChange(params, type) { if (type == 'get') { $.get(window.location.href, params, AA__SiteUpdateParts); } else if (params instanceof FormData) { $.ajax({ url : window.location.href, data : params, cache : false, contentType : false, processData : false, type : 'POST', success : AA__SiteUpdateParts }); // $.post(window.location.href, params, AA__SiteUpdateParts); } else { $.post(window.location.href, params, AA__SiteUpdateParts); } } /* Cookies */ function SetCookie(name, value, plustime) { plustime = (typeof plustime === "undefined") ? (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) : plustime; // a day var expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + plustime); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; // + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) // + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) // + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) // + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } function getCookieVal(offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (endstr == -1) { endstr = document.cookie.length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } function GetCookie(name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) { return getCookieVal(j); } i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function DeleteCookie(name) { var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime (exp.getTime() - 1); var cval = GetCookie (name); document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; } function ToggleCookie(name,val) { if ( GetCookie(name) != val ) { SetCookie(name,val); } else { DeleteCookie(name); } } function AA_NewId() { // Private array of chars to use var chars = '0123456789abcdefgh'.split(''); var uuid = []; // we do not want to have 0 as the first char in pair for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { uuid[2*i] = chars[0 | (Math.random()*15+1)]; uuid[2*i+1] = chars[0 | (Math.random()*16)]; } return uuid.join(''); }